Tuesday, November 23, 2010

When parents use meth.....

Folks, this isn't just in Tennessee.  It is everywhere.  1 in 4 kids are exposed to substance abuse. These kids come to school dirty, tired, missing homework, with behavioral problems, and basically just a total mess.  Report it, people, sometimes you are their only hope to get out of the hell they are living in.

Castaway kids: when parents use meth, children become casualties

By Matt Lakin
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
CROSSVILLE - They come to school with chemical burns and can recite Mom and Dad's recipe for methamphetamine along with their ABCs.
Diapers, baby bottles and crayon drawings mingle with blister packs and shake-and-bake bottles at dump sites and burn piles. Officers sometimes have to step around toys and bicycles on the way to serve warrants or batter down doors.
"You can't imagine it if you've never been in the jail at 2 or 3 a.m. and seen these kids waiting on somebody to come get them," Cumberland County Sheriff Butch Burgess said. "When you see the places where these kids are coming out of and what they're being exposed to, it makes you sick."
Meth labs have affected more than 1,200 children statewide in the past decade, according to the Tennessee Methamphetamine Task Force, although exact figures remain elusive. Police have found more than 800 of those children during lab busts - some as young as a few days old.
"It breaks your heart," Athens police Detective Scott Webb said. "That child didn't ask to be there. That baby didn't have a choice."
Those numbers don't always include children removed from meth-addicted families for other reasons - a child found with no car seat inside a weaving truck driven by a father who's later arrested in a meth bust, for example.
The state Department of Children's Services has no detailed statistics available on kids removed from homes because of meth, DCS spokesman Rob Johnson said.
The numbers vary from county to county, year to year.
"We don't really see as many kids in labs anymore, because so many of our repeat cooks have already lost their kids," said Conway Mason, drug investigator for the Monroe County Sheriff's Department.
Some children end up in state custody, some with relatives. Some go home to Mom and Dad, only to be taken away again.
"I'd estimate about 75 percent of the kids I see taken into (state) custody are due to meth in the home," Monroe County Juvenile Court Judge Reed Dixon said. "We've had parents who have gone through the process and got the child back. That's a pretty long path to follow. It can take as long as six months to a year. Not too many lose their kids on a permanent basis anymore, but many times they'll fall back off. I want to ask some of these adults what they're thinking."
Some parents struggle to stay clean and see their children again. Others don't bother.
"I'll order clean drug screens, and they won't even take the drug screens," Anderson County Juvenile Court Judge Brandon Fisher said. "Some of these parents have been on drugs so long their conscience has been fried. When a child's old enough to understand what's going on and sees a parent choose a drug over them, it's devastating."
Orphans in playpens
Meth kids learn early how to live on their own. Mom and Dad often can't be bothered to keep up with grocery shopping, supper, laundry or baths.
"We had one case where the parent was on meth and kept doing, doing and doing," said Dixon, the Monroe County judge. "When the kids came into court, they asked to eat. They described the method for making (meth) and talked about watching their mother suck it up with a straw."
Authorities say meth's effects - paranoia, aggressiveness, lack of sleep, a heightened sex drive - create an environment ripe for abuse, physical and sexual.
"I had a 3-year-old boy who took me by the finger and led me around one of those houses," said Lt. Gary Howard, former chief investigator for the Cumberland County Sheriff's Department. "He showed me the bullet holes in the walls and the floor. He showed me where his daddy did target practice on his toys."
Haley Spicer, a 3-year-old Campbell County girl, became the face of child abuse in Tennessee after deputies found her beaten and burned by chemicals and cigarettes at the home in Jacksboro where her father and his girlfriend used meth in 2004. The case brought officers to tears and led to passage of Haley's Law, which increased penalties for some abuse and neglect cases.
Children from a meth home might miss class or show up for school in the December cold wearing shorts and tank tops. School nurses in the counties along East Tennessee's meth-lab belt have learned to look for the warning signs of meth exposure: agitation, lack of sleep, unexplained burns and sores.
"They look almost like bug bites," said Michelle McJunkin, a Monroe County nurse who has served as a foster mother to children from meth homes. "It's from the particles in the air that irritate their skin. The younger ones will tell you everything. Sometimes they know the recipes. The older ones try to hide it. They've learned to be afraid."
Some children grow up determined to avoid their parents' mistakes. Others follow the only path they know.
"It's bad enough to see the scars on the outside of these children," Howard said. "But you know the scars on the inside are going to be even worse. We're arresting our second generation of meth cooks now."
Aerosol addiction
If anyone in the home does meth - Mom or Dad, aunt or uncle, big brother or big sister - chances are the children do, too.
Cooks have stored chemicals, lab components and the drug itself in diaper bags, in cribs and beside baby food in refrigerators. Officers don't show surprise anymore when children test positive for meth.
"We found an entire lab (this spring) in a child's room covered up with toys," Campbell County Sheriff's Office Lt. Brandon Elkins said. "That's where the kids sleep. This stuff doesn't just disappear. It's there long after the lab's gone."
Studies indicate every time someone in the house cooks meth or even smokes it, the reaction creates an aerosol cloud that coats every nearby surface from the toy truck on the floor to the sippy cup on the kitchen counter. The fibers found in carpet, clothing, blankets, baby bibs and stuffed toys soak up those particles and pass them on.
"Young children spend most of their time on the floor," said Dr. John Martyny, a professor of environmental medicine at the National Jewish Children's Hospital in Denver who oversaw studies on the effects of cooking meth. "Any toddlers walking or crawling around and brushing up against the walls will be getting meth in their system. You end up seeing kids who are on at least a low dose of this stimulant all the time. We think we can see behavioral and learning differences in these kids. We don't know all the effects and probably won't know for years."
Unborn children aren't spared. Some mothers smoke, snort or shoot up while pregnant or nursing.
"I know one girl who had two meth-positive babies born dead, and she's got a third in the hospital now," said Burgess, the Cumberland County sheriff. "When you carry out a baby's body that looks like a porcelain doll in your arms, it makes you a little more determined to do the right thing."
A place to go
The right thing for the sheriff meant finding a way to offer children some comfort, if only temporarily.
"They can't bring anything with them out of these houses," Burgess said. "They can't bring their clothes. They can't bring their toys. For a while we were laying down pallets on the floor at the jail until DCS or somebody from the family showed up to take them."
The sheriff and others scraped together donations of money and supplies to open the House of Hope in 2004. The privately operated center in Crossville serves as a waystation for children removed from homes in drug, abuse, neglect or other cases.
"We've never at any time known where the money was coming from," Burgess said. "It's all based on the generosity of people in this community. Some of the kids that come through ask if they can go back."
Denise Melton, a former preschool director, stepped in to run the center. She stands by to open the doors at any time, day or night.
"Since we've been open, we've provided 5,300 services for kids," Melton said. "I've seen about 250-300 face to face. They don't have anything when they come. We offer whatever they need to get started, whether it's school supplies, food, clothes, diapers or toys. For some it's like Christmas morning. The first place most go is the refrigerator."
She knows firsthand the damage drugs can do. Her adult son has battled meth addiction for years.
"It's almost like there is a rotating black cloud that surrounds him," Melton said. "Even though he's off it now, just because you quit, it doesn't stop."
A place to stay
Efforts such as the House of Hope might help ease the separation but can't give children a permanent place to stay. That leaves family members or a state foster-care system already swollen with cases.
"The state does the best they can at finding foster homes, but eligible foster parents seem to keep getting further and further away," said Dixon, the Monroe County judge. "In most cases, they do find placement with relatives."
The most eligible relatives tend to be grandparents - older, sometimes retired and on fixed incomes. Men and women in their 60s, 70s and 80s might find themselves as sole caretakers of an emotionally damaged 5-year-old.
"These kids don't get to act like normal kids, because they've never had a chance to be kids," said Burgess, the Cumberland County sheriff. "The only people they know how to associate with are people from the same meth environment. The earlier you can get them in a safe, stable place, the best chance they've got."
The sheriff has served as a foster father to more than 30 children over the years, most from meth homes. He and his wife, Vicki, call one of them son.
"We got Nick when he was 3 years old," Burgess said. "The first two months we had him, all he did was scream. He hadn't ever bonded with his mom or anybody else. He's 11 now, and he's been on the A and B honor roll at school every year."
The couple draw on their experience to offer training for other foster and adoptive parents. Studies show children can recover from long-term meth exposure. Doctors still debate the extent of learning disabilities and other permanent damage from such exposure.
"We've seen so many little things," the sheriff said. "When Nick was little, if we told him to do two different things, he might not understand. It's a shame, but all the money for these studies and counseling has been spent on the adults instead of the kids."
Matt Lakin may be reached at 865-342-6306.

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