This is a story we ran across about David's trip to Topeka, KS in September 2010.
A Man of God and his journey with God, a man that goes out into the world and tells stories that are true and real for the cause to tell the truth about a drug called Methamphetamine.
There is a Man of God who is named David Parnell, this man is no ordinary man, he is a man of Faith, he is a man’s man, a father, a son, a husband, and a child of God, etc., but most of all, he is on a mission from God. The mission from God is of this, to go out into the world to spread the truth about a drug called Methamphetamine; it is a drug that is tearing the fabric of our nation and nations all around us. This drug has no discrimination towards anyone; it will destroy anyone who gets in its way. You can be rich, famous, a doctor, a teacher, a minister, or even a child under 9 years old. This drug almost destroyed our Brother David and his family, but God had better plans for David and his family. Yes, it was God that saved David, not any self help book or a shrink that has a worldly view on saving an addict, but God alone.
David has been for some years going to schools, churches, prisons/ jails, and into the community all-round the states and abroad in other countries, telling his stories about how meth. almost killed him. David tells us that there is no hiding this, “The devil is behind this drug and the devil is trying to use this drug (Meth.) to destroy God’s children” Yes, it is true that Meth. is a tool that the devil uses to keep us from knowing the truth. It may seem that the war on drugs is a lost cause but it is if our Lord Jesus Christ is not put first on stopping Meth. or any illegal drug coming in our country or anywhere where it is wreaking havoc in our streets and communities. I tell you this, “David Parnell is not scared of the devil or the punks that put the drugs on the streets…David has God on his side and he puts on the full armour of God on (Ephs. 6:10…)”. While David was in Topeka, KS., not too long ago, David went all-round the Capital, into schools, churches, jails, prisons, and other detention centers speaking about Meth. for his speaking tour called “Facing the Dragon, One Man’s Battle Against Methamphetamine”. It went very well; wherever David went there were lots of eyes on him and his stories that proved to be captivating, especially when the graphic images showed the truth of the dangers of using or manufacturing Meth. I went to many of his speaking engagements, and every time I went I kept on learning and was never bored a bit.
You would think that David’s disfigured face would distract you, but it did for just a moment, but God gave you the ability to look past his scars and marks, David looked normal, because he is, his flesh and bones is of this world but his spirit is of God and that is what you see, you see Jesus Christ when you see David, you see a perfect image of David speaking the truth of what everyone needs to hear about. There was another Godly Man, named Chuck Wilson who met David a while back; who met David on one of David’s speaking engagement. Chuck was so impressed with David’s stories and format on how he tells the truth about Meth., that Chuck got David to come to Topeka, KS. Chuck who was the head Chaplin at the Topeka County Jail for about eight years, has also been an impact on his testimonies on his life but supports others on their journey on spreading on the truth on the evils in the world and the good that Jesus Christ brings into this world.
Chuck was the MC for David and introduced David to the speaking engagement in Topeka. The both of them were very key to bring the whole event of ”Facing the Dragon Program”. God had them together for His glory and honor. Amen to that!!! God is so great!!! I was able to interview David at the “Central Park Church”, it was David’s last stop before he headed on to other places, doing the same thing he has done in Topeka. It was such an honor and a humbling experience to meet a man with such gifts of serving the Lord and speaking to people. I was impressed that David was soft spoken and mild-mannered, with a very respectful approach, it must be that southern gentleman inside of him. Whatever it was, you could feel the presence of the Holy Ghost in Him, as you could feel in many people that tagged along with him on his speaking engagement, and at Central Park Church. Chuck was one of many that I felt that presences of the Holy Ghost in him and around him. I can see why God brought them together. Well, what I got out of David in the interview was of this: David is 43 years old, he was born in 1966. Born in Fulton KY, he has two twin sisters, and his parents divorced when David was six years old. David was raised by his grandparents. As a youth he lived on a farm with cattle’s, pigs, chickens, which he calls, “The Good Life”. One day his grand dad got sick and had to sell the farm, than became a drinker, then died of cancer when David was at age 12.

His teenage years, was full of rebellion, didn’t like school until in his high school years. David played sports, such as basketball, was into sex, drugs, and did what he wanted. Married high school sweetheart, his first wife gave birth to a baby girl, and then went to prison when she was 1 ½ years old. David has seen her since he got out of prison but has no contact with her. He lost custody when he was in prison. His daughter thinks he left her, but that was not the case. From what David expressed about his daughter, it really seems he loves her very much. David has been in Prison just one time, but has been in the County Jails over 12 times. David was once a drug dealer got one DUI, possession for illegal substances, public intoxication, but now is a child of God doing the will of our Lord. He now has a family of seven, children from 6 to 18 yrs old, his wife is Amy. They have been married for 16 yrs. February 21, 2003 is the day he shot himself, and from that day forward was the day that changed his life forever and has made him a man on a mission for God. When you hear that a man named David Parnell is in town, it would be in your best interest to go see him speak and bring a friend or two. You do not need to miss him speak.
David is coming out with a book called, “Facing the Dragon”, it will be out soon. The publisher (HCI) who is printing the book are the same publisher who has published “Chicken Soup for the Soul”, “A boy called It”, and even Sarah Palin’s new book that is coming out soon as well. For additional information on his new book that is coming out, and his ministry, please do not hesitate to contact David, he would love to hear from you. You can get in contact by the following approach: write to him at P.O. Box 762 Dresden, TN 38225, call (731) 469-9105 or cell (731) 514-7589, e-mail or Written By:
Minister Timothy W. Sanders